about us
about us

The in­ter­na­tional pub­lish­ing com­pany AAR EDI­TION was founded by friends of the clas­si­cal com­poser and mu­si­colo­gist Peter Hübner in 1975, in or­der to give him and his work the free­dom, which the art­ist needs.

Up to then, the com­poser had also had vari­ous of­fers from ma­jor re­nowned pub­lish­ing com­pa­nies to pub­lish his work, but it was clear to him and his friends that in gen­eral these pub­lish­ing com­pa­nies have their spe­cial ideo­logi­cal ori­en­ta­tion, and that on the other hand they also have to show con­sid­era­tion to­wards other com­pos­ers and au­thors, whose in­ter­ests they also rep­re­sent.

But as Peter Hübner – as we now know to­day – in his work as a com­poser and au­thor, as a mu­si­colo­gist and phi­loso­pher and not least as a po­liti­cally in­spired thinker is not one of our out­wardly “con­ven­ient” con­tem­po­rar­ies, his friends al­ready sup­ported him at a very early stage in stand­ing on his own two feet as far as his ac­tivi­ties were con­cerned, and they have prom­ised him their full sup­port in do­ing so.

This is also the only pos­si­ble way to keep all rights to­gether and pre­vent in­ter­na­tional ideo­logi­cal misuse.

That is how the in­ter­na­tional mu­sic and medi­cal pub­lish­ing com­pany and, be­com­ing more and more ob­vi­ous, also edu­ca­tional pub­lish­ers AAR EDI­TION IN­TER­NA­TIONAL have de­vel­oped. In ac­cor­dance with the crea­tive di­ver­sity of their au­thor, the pub­lisher’s list is also de­signed in a very var­ied way; it in­cludes the ma­jor fields of mu­sic, medi­cine and edu­ca­tion.

Be­yond this, how­ever, the pub­lish­ers are seek­ing to co-or­di­nate sci­en­tific re­search in these three fields, as well as deal­ing with Peter Hübner’s di­verse ma­jor pro­jects: the in­ter­na­tional patent de­vel­op­ment of dy­namic space-stereo­phony®, the crea­tion of his own con­cert halls and op­era houses and vari­ous other things.

We would like to wel­come you cor­dially to our web­site, and would be pleased to help you be in­spired in one way or the other. Please send us an e-mail if you have any ques­tions.

If you would like us to keep you up-to-date, please join our mailing list.




©   A A R   E D I T I O N   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   2001




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